15 - Altes Pfarrhaus: Stadt Möckmühl



Altes Pfarrhaus (old parsonage)

At the present time the Pfarrhaus is used as the notary‘s office as well as the town archive. It was rebuilt in 1750. A plaque above the entrance door reminds us that the sister of the poet Friedrich Schiller, Louise Franckh lived in this house as the parson‘s wife between 1805 and 1834. Louise died in Moeckmuehl in 1836 and is buried in the local churchyard.

In 1760 Duke Carl Eugen von Wuerttemberg spent a night in this house. Between 1944 and 1954 Julie Hellmann (1878 – 1972) lived there. She was the muse of Hermann Hesse and inspi-red him while writing his novel “Lulu”. Until the death of the poet in 1962 the two maintained friendly relations

The niche on the side of the building facing the Hauptstrasse, next to the doorway to the cellar is decorated with the town’s symbol (mill wheel with four spokes). It is dated 1610 and originates from an old well.